Todoist for Zoho Mail
“todoist Extension for Zoho Mail” facilitates Zoho Mail users to manage and view todoist project management tool from inside Zoho Mail . The extension uses direct apis to authenticate and retrieve data from todoist. Hence making the extension safe & secure with no storage of data in any middleware database. New projects can be created directly from Zoho Mail without logging into todoist account. This saves a lot of time and effort while keeping the project team on track with their daily tasks.

Xero integration with Zoho Desk slide 1

Xero integration with Zoho Desk slide 1
License Cost
10 days of free trial
Post that $5/month for unlimited users in your account
How it Works
While installing the extension authorize your todoist account
Once the extension is installed user will be able to manage and view todoist tasks & projects
Click on the bottom left “todoist ewidget” to open todoist panel inside Zoho Mail
Select any project from the list to retrieve its details from todoist
Provisioned to create new project from Zoho Mail
View task details from Zoho Mail
Direct link for todist tasks are provided for each task in a given project
Retrieve todoist projects from Zoho Mail
Create todoist project from Zoho Mail
Retrieve todoist tasks for a given project
Direct links for todoist tasks
This extension is developed by “EasyTocheck Software Solutions” and for any further assistance and customization , users can directly get in touch with us. We will update the extension with new updates which will be available to all existing customers at no extra cost. Publishing or copying the extension partially or contextually is strictly prohibited as the company holds the proprietorship for developing this connector which includes logic & integration workflow
Privacy Policy
EasyToCheck Software Solutions adhere to all security protocols while gathering any user data. The plugin developed by us follows AUTH 2.0 protocols to integrate Zoho Mail with Todoist account. With this we do not gather any personal or account related data.
Any personal information collected by these applications will not be stored or transmitted to us. However we have no control over or access to specific information provided by Zoho or Todoist , such as email ID or phone number so that we can support your better.
Help & Support
Download Help Document
For any assistance or more information about the connector, please get in touch with us. You can either mail your queries on or fill up the support form